while building through Intellij Idea, I got the following message:
Error:scalac: 'jvm-1.10' is not a valid choice for '-target' Error:scalac: bad option: '-target:jvm-1.10'
later, after a Java upgrade
Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Gradle JVM: 1.8 Build, Execution, Deployment -> Complier -> Scala Complier -> Scala Compile Server -> JDK: 1.8
in build.gradle
compileScala.targetCompatibility = 1.8
ScalaCompileOptions.metaClass.useAnt = false
Nothing helps!
this helps: in build.gradle
tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) {
scalaCompileOptions.useAnt = false
not needed:
compileScala.targetCompatibility = 1.8
ScalaCompileOptions.metaClass.useAnt = false
"Error:scalac: 'jvm-1.10' is not a valid choice for '-target' Error:scalac: bad option: '-target:jvm-1.10'"
As you were saying you build this through IntelliJ IDEA, I suspect you haven't configure your java version (Java 10) or scala version (2.12.6) inside running configuration project settings.
And also please try out building/compile your application through
commandline in order to check whether you are getting the same error
with that (Otherwise this is just bad configuration in IDEA tht you
need to change)
JDK 9 & 10 compatibility notes As of Scala 2.12.6 and 2.11.12, JDK 9 & 10 support is incomplete. Notably, scalac will not enforce the restrictions of the Java Platform Module System, which means that code that typechecks may incur linkage errors at runtime.
JDK 9 & 10 support requires minimum sbt version 1.1.0, or 0.13.17 in the 0.13.x series.
For more information on JDK 9 & 10 compatibility, watch the “Support JDK 9” issue on GitHub.