I have a scenario, where in I have a uuid in a string format. This uuid originally belonged to UUIDTools::UUID class (and was already converted to_s before passing on to my method). Now, I need to convert it back to object of type - UUIDTools::UUID, as I need to invoke few methods specific to UUIDTools::UUID class. Any clean way of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Just use UUIDTools::UUID.parse
require "uuidtools"
uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create
#=> "cd833ba3-97c5-4615-a2a0-a6c3e56b24b2"
#=> <UUID:0x3fd33d0ac184 UUID:cd833ba3-97c5-4615-a2a0-a6c3e56b24b2>
UUIDTools::UUID.parse(uuid.to_s) == uuid
#=> true