I´m doing more or less my first steps with X3 and already managed to parse a simple struct with 2 members. But I fail to put this struct into a variant.
The (simplified) code looks something like this:
struct Command1
CommandType type;
std::string objName;
type, objName
struct Nil {};
using Command = x3::variant<Nil, Command1>;
const x3::rule<struct create_cmd_rule, Command1> ccRule = "ccRule";
const auto ccRule_def = typeRule > identifier;
const x3::rule<struct create_rule, Command> cRule = "cRule";
const auto cRule_def = x3::omit[x3::no_case["CREATE"]] > (ccRule_def);
If I call it like this
Command1 cmd;
x3::phrase_parse(statement.cbegin(), statement.cend(), parser::cRule_def, x3::space, cmd);
everything is fine. But if I pass my variant:
Command cmd;
x3::phrase_parse(statement.cbegin(), statement.cend(), parser::cRule_def, x3::space, cmd);
it does not compile: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2665 'boost::spirit::x3::traits::detail::move_to': none of the 4 overloads could convert all the argument types ZeusCore d:\boost_1_67_0\boost\spirit\home\x3\support\traits\move_to.hpp 224
I hope, I did not simplify the code to much...
I´m using boost 1.67 and the newest version of Visual Studio 2017.
From what you've posted it seems that the problem in referencing *_def
. The cRule_def
and ccRule_def
are not rules, they just chained parsers stored in variables.
Try to replace:
const auto cRule_def = x3::omit[x3::no_case["CREATE"]] > (ccRule_def);
const auto cRule_def = x3::omit[x3::no_case["CREATE"]] > (ccRule);
and call it like:
Command1 cmd;
x3::phrase_parse(statement.cbegin(), statement.cend(), parser::cRule, x3::space, cmd);
Here is a toy working example which I used to try to replicate the error https://wandbox.org/permlink/BMP5zzHxPZo7LUDi
Other note: x3::omit
in x3::omit[x3::no_case["CREATE"]]
is redundant.