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Publishing a Google Slides add-on

I would like to ask you for some advice: I developed a really simple Google Slides add-on that makes my life easier when I use slides. The problem is that the instructions seem to be so generic for diverse google products (apps, extensions, addons, etc) and I think I'm missing something.

I followed the instructions in the official docs. I created a script with the Scripts Editor and I choose to publish it as an addon. I completed the required fields and I was redirected to the Deveoper Dashboard, that does not let me upload the add-on with no manifest file. At this point, a manifest wasn't required by Google Slides, so I created one with no much idea and validating it with the error messages that the uploading tool throws. It is something like this: { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "The name", "version": "2", "timeZone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "dependencies": {}, "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER" }

I was able to upload that manifest, but the package is listed as a Chrome extension and not as a Google Slides add-on (creating a new slide and accessing document > addons > download addons).

I spent 5 hours reading how to do it ok, but I could not achieve it and I'm really tired of guessing. Can anyone point me to a concrete documentation/tutorial/video in a concrete Google Slides scenario?

PS: if I try to update the add-on from the Script Editor, by publishing it again, it tells me "This item is not an app, please remove app section from manifest". But there is no manifest in the Script Editor, and there is no app field in the manifest uploaded in the Deveoper Dashboard. And by the way, publishing in the Deveoper Dashboard forces you to have a manifest...

Thanks, thanks, thanks in advance.


  • To create and publish Google Slides add-on, follow these steps:

    1. Open

    2. Create new Google Apps Script project by selecting New - More - Google Apps Script.

    enter image description here

    1. Save project by selecting from Google Apps Script editor menu File - Save.

    2. Popup window will ask you to enter your project's name, fill it and press OK.

    enter image description here

    1. Code your add-on functionality.

    2. For publishing add-on, select from Google Apps Script editor menu Publish - Deploy as web add-on...

    enter image description here

    1. In opened modal, fill needed details (Add-on Type: Slides; Version: New; Post-install tip) and click Create web store draft.

    enter image description here

    1. will open.

    enter image description here

    1. Scroll down the page and click Publish changes.

    enter image description here

    1. Your add-on is published!