I'm attempting to run MediatR with Autofac in .NET Framework 4.6.2.
My registration:
public class MediatorModule : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof(IMediator ).Assembly).AsImplementedInterfaces();
builder.RegisterType<HealthCheckQueryHandler>().As<IRequestHandler<HealthCheckQuery, HttpStatusCode>>();
My controller:
public class HealthCheckController : ApiController
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public HealthCheckController(IMediator mediator)
_mediator = mediator;
public async Task<HttpStatusCode> Get()
var query = new HealthCheckQuery();
var result = await _mediator.Send(query);
return result;
When I try to hit this api method, I receive the following error: None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'MediatR.Mediator' can be invoked with the available services and parameters:\r\nCannot resolve parameter 'MediatR.ServiceFactory serviceFactory' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MediatR.ServiceFactory)
The wiki (https://github.com/jbogard/MediatR/wiki) asks us to register SingleInstanceFactory and MultiInstanceFactory. But Visual Studio is not able to resolve either of these symbols.
How can I resolve this to get MediatR working with Autofac?
I know this is an old post, but in case anyone else googles for this.
You're missing registering the ServiceFactory
builder.Register<ServiceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => c.Resolve(t);
Taken from here: MediatR Examples