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Yodlee get_accounts sometimes returns zero result / empty response

Here is the scenario:

  1. User logins to the bank successfully (via Fastlink)
  2. Right after user logs in, I get user's provider_accounts (via /providerAccounts API)
  3. Then when I call to get the accounts, (via /accounts) I sometimes get empty response (zero accounts found?)

When I try later (seconds or minutes after) I get some accounts information back.

Is this because Yodlee is still trying to gather account information when I'm making /accounts api call?


  • This is because the accounts are still being added/linked.

    Using the requestId and providerAccountId provided by FastLink callback, you need to poll continuously to know the refresh status of the account linking process and once it's done, you can call the get accounts.

    Read more about the refresh status in the "Add/Update Account Process Status" section.

    Yodlee makes things easier now with webhooks. Read more here: Using Webhooks with the Yodlee Core API

    TL/DR: You need to wait for the add/link completion before retrieving the accounts.