For a project, i use FOSrestbundle for every bundle and i have an ApiBundle where every route is called by ajax. On each action, i do this check:
if $request->isXmlHttpRequest() {
throw ...
I look for a way to make this check only once for the whole bundle.
Thank you
I put here a solution for those want to do the same
In every controller of the ApiBundle, i put this annotation the be sure every route name have the same 'api_' prefix
* Class SomeController.
* @Route("/some", name="api_")
class SomeController extends Controller
in a request event listener, i put this check on the KernelEvents::REQUEST event
$request = $event->getRequest();
if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
if ('api_' === substr($request->get('_route'), 0, 4) && !$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(['ajax']);