In laravel docs there is a part about getting user from using ->userFromTokenAndSecret
however it seems to be not working with facebook and returns an error that this method doesn't exist.
How do I get the user by token and secret?
I'm using Laravel as API so that it works stateless and I don't use any redirects.
I sign in using Angular app and send token then. I need to process that.
I've found an answer to my questions and it is userFromToken
. What is the idea:
1) I authorize my user on Angular 6 using ngx-social-login
2) I receive user data from Facebook
3) I send authToken
to the API
4) I receive user data from Facebook on my backend API using Socialite::driver('facebook')->stateless()->userFromToken($token)
5) Do any stuff what I want. In my case I save data to DB or retrieve user if exists and then create a token for that user using JWT and return it