I have the following code to draw the voronoi diagram;
X = [ 0.018504 0.5187; 0.23114 0.70406;...
0.4447 0.37589;0.45647 0.83682;...
0.48598 0.59816; 0.60684 0.95388;...
0.7621 0.44282; 0.82141 0.02221;...
0.8913 0.84074; 0.95013 0.95278];
[VX,VY] = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
Assign_labels_to_all_points ( X ,X(:,1),X(:,2));
It is shown in the Voronoi Diagram below:
So, my question is: How to get the vertices and edges of each polygon of the voronoi diagram?
For example;
Polygon X1 has 4 edges and 4 vertices points. I want to get the values of these vertices points. So, for each polygon of the 10 polygons; I want to get its vertices values and number of its edges.
Given a matrix with coordinates X
[V,C] = voronoin(X);
returns an array V
with vertices and a cell array C
with a matrix for each cell of the diagram. The set of points
contains the vertices to cell number ii
, corresponding to centroid X(ii,:)