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Ordered dropDownList using relations?

I have some forms in Yii using the following to get lists of data from related tables in the form of a drop down:

dropDownList(CHtml::listData(Company::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'company ASC'))));

This works, but that means for every drop down list (which theres a lot of) I'm putting this array('order' => 'company ASC' in every one.

Is this the best way to do it? Is there not a way to get this data using the model relations(), and specifying the order within the relation?


  • I believe that the correct way to do this is by using scopes.

    You can define any number of scopes that order the result set and use them like so:


    If your application always requires companies to be fetched in a sorted order, you can even define a default scope in your model class:

    public function defaultScope() {
        return array('order' => 'company ASC');

    This will result in every call to Company::model()->findAll(); returning sorted results.