What I did is:
from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16
from keras.layers import *
from keras.models import Model
import numpy as np
vgg_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape = (224,224, 3))
block5_conv3 = vgg_model.get_layer("block5_conv3").output
input_image = Input(shape=(224,224, 3), name='image_input')
vgg_out = vgg_model(input_image)
f0 = Flatten()(block5_conv3)
test_model = Model(inputs=input_image, outputs=f0)
But I got the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 15, in <module>
test_model = Model(inputs=input_image, outputs=f0)
File "C:\Users\wzhou\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\keras\legacy\interfaces.py", line 91, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\wzhou\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\network.py", line 93, in __init__
self._init_graph_network(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\wzhou\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\network.py", line 237, in _init_graph_network
self.inputs, self.outputs)
File "C:\Users\wzhou\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\network.py", line 1430, in _map_graph_network
ValueError: Graph disconnected: cannot obtain value for tensor Tensor("input_1:0", shape=(?, 224, 224, 3), dtype=float32) at layer "input_1". The following previous layers were accessed without issue: []
I feel something is wrong with the way that I did it but couldn't figure out the right way.
There is no need to define an Input
layer in this case. You can use the input
property of VGG model:
vgg_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape = (224,224, 3))
block5_conv3 = vgg_model.get_layer("block5_conv3").output
f0 = Flatten()(block5_conv3)
test_model = Model(inputs=vgg_model.input, outputs=f0)
Alternatively, you can define and use a backend function:
from keras import backend as K
# ... (use the code above except the last line)
func = K.function([vgg_model.input], [f0])
# to call it:
outputs = func([your_image_arrays])