I'm using the jQuery load() event to load a page into an iframe. The page that is being loaded contains a script which access two API's and therefore take some time to load (~15-30 seconds). I want to add a button/link to the loading screen that you can click to cancel the load, otherwise you are unable to navigate away from the page. Currently, I have:
function callIframe(url) {
$('#analytics').html('<iframe src="" allowtransparency="yes" style="width:735px;height:1510px;border:0;" id="analyticsiframe"></iframe>');
$('iframe#analyticsiframe').attr('src', url);
var start, end;
start = $('#startDate').val();
end = $('#endDate').val();
is a div with an ajax loader graphic and "Please wait while I load blah blah", I would like to add a Cancel button into it that would stop the load() function from executing.
the answer to your question might be here: