I’m pushing data from Get-ChildItem
to a csv, via some Where-Object
and Select-Object
directives as below.
The problem is that the first line of the csv contains the Select
clause itself (eg literally { “This part” + $_.AndThisBit }
. Not sure why part of my code is leaking into the data?
Get-ChildItem "E:\Some\Path" -Recurse -Include *.msg, *.eml |
Where-Object { $_.Name.StartsWith("Confidential") -eq $false } |
Select-Object { "Fixed-prefix*" + $_.FullName } |
Export-Csv -Path "C:\another\path\Results.csv" -NoTypeInformation
doesn't take ScriptBlocks, as Where-Object
does. What you might want is:
Select-Object -Property @{Name="Prefix"; Expression={"Fixed-prefix*" + $_.FullName}}
To define a custom property with an Expression. That Expression is a ScriptBlock and gets evaluated.