I'm trying to write a proof that 2^n * 2^m = 2^(n+m)
in Idris. Right now I have this:
expLaw : (power 2 n) * (power 2 m) = power 2 (n + m)
expLaw {n=Z} {m} = plusZeroRightNeutral (power 2 m)
expLaw {n=S n'} {m=m'} =
trans (multAssociative 2 (power 2 n') (power 2 m')) $
cong {f=mult 2} $ expLaw {n=n'} {m=m'}
This gives me the error:
When checking an application of function trans:
Type mismatch between
mult 2 (power 2 n' * power 2 m') = mult 2 (power 2 (n' + m')) (Type of cong powExp)
mult (mult 2 (power 2 n')) (power 2 m') = plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) (plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) 0) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
mult 2 (power 2 (n' + m'))
plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) (plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) 0)
As far as I can tell, this is essentially saying that it is seeing a 2 * 2^(n+m)
where it wants a 2^(n+m) + (2^(n+m) + 0)
. However, by the definition of mult, the former should trivially reduce to the latter. In particular, the following compiles without problem:
foo : 2 * a = a + (a + 0)
foo = Refl
To me, this indicates that the expansion is working as I would expect. But for some reason, in my implementation of expLaw
, the compiler gets stuck. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the use of mult
and plus
versus *
and +
, but I'm not sure. How can I fix this?
Alternatively, if anyone has a better way to implement expLaw
I'd be happy to hear it.
It helps to add proofs step by step with let … in …
blocks, so you can easily inspect the types. The error occures under trans
, so given
expLaw : (power 2 n) * (power 2 m) = power 2 (n + m)
expLaw {n=Z} {m} = plusZeroRightNeutral (power 2 m)
expLaw {n=S n'} {m=m'} =
let prf1 = cong {f=mult 2} $ expLaw {n=n'} {m=m'} in
let prf2 = multAssociative 2 (power 2 n') (power 2 m') in
> :t hole
m' : Nat
n' : Nat
prf1 : plus (mult (power 2 n') (power 2 m'))
(plus (mult (power 2 n') (power 2 m')) 0) =
plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) (plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) 0)
prf2 : plus (mult (power 2 n') (power 2 m'))
(plus (mult (power 2 n') (power 2 m')) 0) =
mult (plus (power 2 n') (plus (power 2 n') 0)) (power 2 m')
hole : mult (plus (power 2 n') (plus (power 2 n') 0)) (power 2 m') =
plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) (plus (power 2 (plus n' m')) 0)
You can see that the order of the equalities prf2 : a = b
, prf1 : a = c
don't match up with trans : (a = b) -> (b = c) -> a = c
. But with a simple sym : (a = b) -> b = a
it works. So you almost had it. :-)
let prf3 = trans (sym prf2) prf1 in