I'm trying to assign quality profile to a project created in Sonar qube using a batch script. It was working perfectly fine when using shell script in Unix
curl -u <token>: -X POST "http://sonarqube-qa.it.company.net:9000/api/qualityprofiles/add_project?profileName=TEST%E2%80%93MSBI%E2%80%93SSIS&projectName=%project_name%&projectKey=%project_key%&language=xml"
Name of quality profile:-
Error message when executing the batch script, which is working fine when executing unix shell script.
{"errors":[{"msg":"Quality Profile for language 'xml' and name 'TEST803MSBI803SSIS' does not exist"}]}
What is the windows equivalent of %E2%80%93
to replace '-' as in Unix
As per my comment:
From a batch file, you should double all %
characters, except for those surrounding your variables, %project_name%
and %project_key%
For instance:
curl -u <token>: -X POST "http://sonarqube-qa.it.company.net:9000/api/qualityprofiles/add_project?profileName=TEST%%E2%%80%%93MSBI%%E2%%80%%93SSIS&projectName=%project_name%&projectKey=%project_key%&language=xml"