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Dynamically Checking for Checkboxes with the same name as Worksheets -VBA Excel

I am on excel, I have about 30 UserForm checkboxes, each of the checkboxes are located on a page called "Summary" in a big column. Each of which corresponds to a worksheet. I am attempting to loop through these checkboxes to see which are ticked and not ticked. I have put some code within a loop of all worksheets, this is the bit that is not working:

  Private Sub Run_Click()
Dim SummaryFirstBlankRow As Integer
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim LastRowH As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim SumOfHours As Variant
Dim EndLoop As Boolean
Dim DupeRowNo As Integer
Dim RowNo2 As Integer
Dim ClearContent As Boolean
Dim cbtrue As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet

cbtrue = False
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

        LastRowH = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row

    'If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").CheckBoxes( = False Then ' looks to see if ws.names' checkbox is checked or not
     '               ClearContent = True 'if not checked, sets clear content to true
    'End If

    For Each CheckBox In Sheets("Summary").CheckBoxes
        If = Then
            If CheckBox.Value = False Then
                ClearContent = True
            End If
        End If
    Next CheckBox
        If ClearContent = True Then
            For c = 1 To LastRowH   'if not checked, looks on current worksheet (within loop) and if any "Y" or "y" vals, clears them
                If ws.Range("H" & c).Value = "Y" Or ws.Range("H" & c).Value = "y" Then
                    ws.Range("H" & c).ClearContents
                End If
        End If

cbtrue is just a variable to see if the checkbox exists, hence if it does it will then go to the if statement, at which point it will determine whether that checkbox is ticked or not, depending on this it saves the ClearContent variable (which I use later on in the code).

The problem is when it comes to 'Shapes("ws.Name")', is simply the name of the worksheet on each loop. So on the first round of the loop, it will be "Summary"... However, I think it is physically searching for the sheet "" which obviously doesn't exist. I have tried removing it from the quotation marks and also various other methods such as 'Checkboxes("ws.Name")' but it seems they all have the same problem.

I am posting to see if someone could offer me another method, or perhaps show me where I have gone wrong, as I think I am not fully understanding the syntax.

Any Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)


I have changed the code with the help of @Xabier (I have added in an extra if statement to ensure that the CheckBox has the same name as the worksheet. I am now getting no errors, but when i run it, it isn't clearing the contents of any of the cells i requested. I cannot seem to spot why it is doing this, If anyone could spot it and let me know, that'd be great. Thanks :)


  • There are two problems with your code:

    Aspect 1: Name or Text?

    What I think might be a problem here is understanding what the name of a checkbox is in Excel:

    enter image description here

    The text you see besides the checkbox is not the actual name of the checkbox. You can give the checkbox a name by selecting it with a right mouse click and entering the desired name in the top left box for selection name.

    Use this sample code to see the names and display texts your checkboxes actually use:

    For Each CheckBox In Sheets("Summary").CheckBoxes
        MsgBox "Name: " & CheckBox.Name & " Text: " & CheckBox.Text
    Next CheckBox

    It will produce something like this:

    enter image description here

    If I am correct, to solve your problem you have to either give the checkboxes the correct name (the names of the worksheets) or instead of comparing Name, compare using the Text property of the checkbox.

    Aspect 2: Value is not true / false

    The value of the checkbox is not True or False, but the checkbox value can be either xlOn or xlOff. So, don't test for True or False, but use the correct constants.

    Working code using displayed Text instead of Name and using correct value constants

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ClearContent  As Boolean
    Dim CheckBox As CheckBox
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        ' Reset ClearContent for each Sheet
        ClearContent = False
        For Each CheckBox In Sheets("Summary").CheckBoxes
            ' Depending on your requests, compare either with Name or with Text
            If CheckBox.Text = ws.Name Then
                ' Use xlOff constant instead of False
                If CheckBox.Value = xlOff Then
                    ClearContent = True
                End If
                ' We can exit the foreach loop when we found the correct checkbox
                Exit For
            End If
        Next CheckBox
        If ClearContent Then
            MsgBox "Going to clear " & ws.Name
        End If
    Next ws