Search code examples

SQL Server - write query that normalizes comma separated values in a poorly constructed schema

Problem: I am querying a poorly normalized database (I have no say in the design of the data and cannot change it)

Given the following database:

|      Name      |         Codes          |
|       Josh     |    A2A-8292            |
|       Adam     |    D2C-1292, B2A-7292  |
|       Jery     |    A2A-1292, F2A-2292, | 
|                |    C2A-2292            |

How can I write a query that returns the normalized version e.g:

|      Name      |         Codes          |
|       Josh     |    A2A-8292            |
|       Adam     |    D2C-1292            |
|       Adam     |    B2A-7292            |
|       Jery     |    A2A-1292            |
|       Jery     |    F2A-2292            |
|       Jery     |    C2A-2292            |


  • If you can't use a TVF, here's another option


    Select A.Name 
     From  YourTable A
     Cross Apply (
                    Select RetSeq = row_number() over (order by (Select null))
                          ,RetVal = ltrim(rtrim(B2.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(max)')))
                    From  (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace(Codes,',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).query('.')) as B1
                    Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B2(i)
                 ) B


    Name    RetSeq  RetVal
    Josh    1       A2A-8292
    Adam    1       D2C-1292
    Adam    2       B2A-7292
    Jery    1       A2A-1292
    Jery    2       F2A-2292
    Jery    3       C2A-2292