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How to enter email address as object in Protégé?

When using OWL, it's useful to declare a property for personal email as owl:InverseFunctionalProperty as it is for foaf:mbox. While using OWL Full that could be done for datatype properties, in OWL DL, it needs to be an object property as object and datatype properties are disjoint there. Yet, most tools have no issue with that.

Now I need to use Protégé to prepare an exercise. It doesn't allow to declare a datatype property owl:InverseFunctionalProperty and it doesn't allow to have email address as object of an abject property. When encoded externally, as expected, Protégé treats it as annotation property.

Is there a workaround?


  • Option 1

    Declare foaf:mbox as a datatype property and use OWL 2 keys.

    Option 2

    Define the mailto prefix as mailto: (i. e. @prefix mailto: <mailto:> .) on the "Ontology prefixes" tab.

    Then type in the "Create a new OWLNamedIndividual" dialog.

    Without such definition, Protégé doesn't process correctly, allowing to type mailto:// only.