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No data available in table, when I customize the rules of JENA FUSEKI?

No data available in table, when I customize the rules of JENA FUSEKI?

  • movies.ttl is the rdf:type owl:Ontology.
  • And rules.ttl is my custom rule.

After deleting the @prefix at the top of rules.ttl, as follows,

[ruleComedian: (?p :hasActedIn ?m) (?m :hasGenre ?g) (?g :genreName '喜剧') -> (?p rdf:type :Comedian)]
[ruleInverse: (?p :hasActedIn ?m) -> (?m :hasActor ?p)]

Update 1: It's the @prefix at the top of rules.ttl,

@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

In addition,

I have added fuseki_conf.ttl in the path of D:\AppsPath\apache-jena-fuseki-3.8.0\run\configuration\fuseki_conf.ttl.

The fuseki_conf.ttl as follows,

@prefix :      <http://base/#> .
@prefix tdb:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix ja:    <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix fuseki: <> .

<#service1> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
    fuseki:name                       "kg_demo_movie" ;       # http://host:port/ds
    fuseki:serviceQuery               "sparql" ;   # SPARQL query service
    fuseki:serviceQuery               "query" ;    # SPARQL query service (alt name)
    fuseki:serviceUpdate              "update" ;   # SPARQL update service
    fuseki:serviceUpload              "upload" ;   # Non-SPARQL upload service
    fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore "data" ;     # SPARQL Graph store protocol (read and write)
    # A separate read-only graph store endpoint:
    fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore      "get" ;      # SPARQL Graph store protocol (read only)
    fuseki:dataset                   <#dataset> ;

<#movies> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
    rdfs:label "Movies" ;
      [ rdfs:label "movies.ttl" ;
        a ja:MemoryModel ;
        ja:content [ja:externalContent <file://D:/AppsPath/apache-jena-fuseki-3.8.0/run/databases/movies.ttl> ] ;
        # ja:reasoner [ja:reasonerURL <>] ;
        ja:reasoner [
            ja:reasonerURL <> ; 
            ja:rulesFrom <file://D:/AppsPath/apache-jena-fuseki-3.8.0/run/databases/rules.ttl> ];
      ] ;

<#dataset> rdf:type tdb:DatasetTDB ;
    tdb:location "E:/data/tdb" ;
    ja:graph <#movies> ;
    # Query timeout on this dataset (1s, 1000 milliseconds)
    ja:context [ ja:cxtName "arq:queryTimeout" ;  ja:cxtValue "1000" ] ;
    # Make the default graph be the union of all named graphs.
    ## tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ;

I don't know if I have described it clearly.

Sorry, I forgot to paste my query code.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

?x rdf:type :Comedian.
?x :personName ?n.
limit 10

The final SPARQL query result is No data available in table.


Update 2: The rules are that I copied it from Internet( It is correct). However, since the JENA FUSEKI version has been upgraded, I need to modify the fuseki_conf.ttl file.

I think the problem should be that my modified fuseki_conf.ttl is wrong.

Update 3: The old fuseki_conf.ttl( It is correct)

@prefix :      <http://base/#> .
@prefix tdb:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix ja:    <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix fuseki: <> .

:service1        a                fuseki:Service ;
fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset> ;
fuseki:name                       "kg_demo_movie" ;
fuseki:serviceQuery               "query" , "sparql" ;
fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore      "get" ;
fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore "data" ;
fuseki:serviceUpdate              "update" ;
fuseki:serviceUpload              "upload" .

<#dataset> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
    ja:defaultGraph <#model_inf> ;

<#model_inf> a ja:InfModel ;
    ja:baseModel <#tdbGraph> ;

    ja:content [ja:externalContent <file:///D:/apache%20jena/apache-jena-fuseki-3.5.0/run/databases/ontology.ttl> ] ;

    #ja:reasoner [ja:reasonerURL <>] .

    ja:reasoner [
        ja:reasonerURL <> ; 
        ja:rulesFrom <file:///D:/apache%20jena/apache-jena-fuseki-3.5.0/run/databases/rules.ttl> ; ]

<#tdbGraph> rdf:type tdb:GraphTDB ;
    tdb:dataset <#tdbDataset> ;

<#tdbDataset> rdf:type tdb:DatasetTDB ;
    tdb:location "D:/apache jena/tdb_for_demo" ;


  • It works very well now.


    Step 1: fuseki_conf.ttl

    @prefix tdb:   <> .
    @prefix rdf:   <> .
    @prefix rdfs:    <> .
    @prefix ja:    <> .
    @prefix fuseki: <> .
    <#service1> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
        fuseki:name                       "kg_demo_movie" ;     
        fuseki:serviceQuery               "sparql", "query" ; 
        fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore      "get" ;
        fuseki:dataset                   <#dataset> ;
    <#dataset> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
        ja:defaultGraph <#modelInf> ;
    <#modelInf> rdf:type ja:InfModel ;
        ja:reasoner [ ja:reasonerURL <> ; 
                      ja:rulesFrom <file:///D:/AppsPath/apache-jena-fuseki-3.8.0/run/databases/rules.ttl> ] ;
        ja:baseModel <#g> ;
    <#g> rdf:type tdb:GraphTDB ;
        tdb:location "E:/data/tdb" ;
        tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ; 

    Step 2:rules.ttl

    Add a comma between the rules

    [ruleComedian: (?p :hasActedIn ?m), (?m :hasGenre ?g), (?g :genreName '喜剧') 
    -> (?p rdf:type :Comedian)]
    [ruleInverse: (?p :hasActedIn ?m) -> (?m :hasActor ?p)]