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MBProgressHUD horizontal progress bar xamarin ios

I need to show the status of loading in horizontal progress bar. I am using the package MBProgressHUD in xamarin ios

I have this method,

public void ShowProgressBar(string title, string message, int max, int 
UIViewController controller = 
hud = new MTMBProgressHUD(controller.View);
hud.Color = UIColor.Clear.FromHex(0x8BC34A);
hud.Mode = MBProgressHUDMode.DeterminateHorizontalBar;
hud.Progress = progress;

max value is 18, and progress parameter starts from 1 and this method calls 18 times. when this method first call'd, progress bar fully loads, which is wrong. How to load this progress based on the progress value?



  • I noticed that you declared the parameters progress as int .In fact ,you should declare it as float , because the range of progress is from 0 to1. For example ,you can improve your code as following:

    public void ShowProgressBar(string title, string message, int max, int time) //time means the number of you call this method .from 1-18
            UIViewController controller =
            hud = new MTMBProgressHUD(controller.View);
            hud.Color = UIColor.Clear.FromHex(0x8BC34A);
            hud.Mode = MBProgressHUDMode.DeterminateHorizontalBar;
            float progress = time / 18.0f;
            hud.Progress = progress;