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Leetcode:Binary Tree Inorder Traversal.problem:Memory Limited exceeded

The following code performs a binarytree inorder traversal. When I execute it in Leetcode, I receive a Run Status Code: Memory Limit Exceeded. Could someone explain what is causing this error?

   vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {

    vector<int> res;
        return res;
    stack<TreeNode*> st;
        if(cur->right!=NULL)//right childtree is not NULL,push
        if(cur->left!=NULL){//left childtree is not NULL,push
        else       //if left child tree is NULL,store the value


    return res;

enter image description here


  • Your code only stores a value into the result stack if the left child node is a null.

    However, for your example, node 2 left child node is never set to a null and hence it is never inserted into the result stack but it is in the st stack. If you print out your output, you can observe that 3 is inserted in a loop, hence causing a memory issue.

    A possible strategy to keep track of the ancestor:

    • Check for trivial case.
    • Prepare a stack to keep the ancestors, and one to keep the result.
    • While the stack is non-empty or if the root is not null
      • if the root is not null:
        • insert the root onto the ancestor stack.
        • update the root to be the left child of the root, possibly to be null.
      • if the root is null (meaning dead end from the left)
        • visit the stack, pop the top element to be the root.
        • add the root to the result stack
        • assign the right child of the root to be the root, possibly to be a null.