I have a python click application that works great, but I want to be notified whenever a user types in an unknown command. For example, if mycli foo
is valid, but they type in mycli bar
, I want to override the default exception handling behavior and fire off an error to an error tracker, such as rollbar.
I found this page which describes how to override the exception handling, but it assumes I have a Command
. The problem I've run into is that I've also integrated with setuptools by following this guide, and it points to my Command
in the [console_scripts]
section. For example, yourscript=yourscript:cli
points to the cli
I'm not sure how to call cli.main()
from within [console_scripts]
or if that's even the right way of thinking about it.
With a custom click.Command
class, you can capture the invoking command line and then report any error in the command line in an exception handler using a custom class like:
def CatchAllExceptions(cls, handler):
class Cls(cls):
_original_args = None
def make_context(self, info_name, args, parent=None, **extra):
# grab the original command line arguments
self._original_args = ' '.join(args)
return super(Cls, self).make_context(
info_name, args, parent=parent, **extra)
except Exception as exc:
# call the handler
handler(self, info_name, exc)
# let the user see the original error
def invoke(self, ctx):
return super(Cls, self).invoke(ctx)
except Exception as exc:
# call the handler
handler(self, ctx.info_name, exc)
# let the user see the original error
return Cls
def handle_exception(cmd, info_name, exc):
# send error info to rollbar, etc, here
click.echo(':: Command line: {} {}'.format(info_name, cmd._original_args))
click.echo(':: Raised error: {}'.format(exc))
Then to use the custom command/group, pass it as the cls
argument to the click.command
or click.group
decorator like one of:
@click.command(cls=CatchAllExceptions(click.Command, handler=report_exception))
@click.group(cls=CatchAllExceptions(click.Group, handler=report_exception))
@click.group(cls=CatchAllExceptions(click.MultiCommand, handler=report_exception))
Note the need to specify which click.Command
subclass is required as well as
the handler to send the exception information to.
This works because click is a well designed OO framework. The @click.group()
and @click.command()
decorators usually instantiates a click.Group
or click.Command
objects, but allows this behavior to be over ridden with the cls
parameter. So it is a relatively easy matter to inherit from click.Command
(etc) in our own class and over ride desired methods.
In this case we over ride click.Command.make_context()
to grab the original command line, and click.Command.invoke()
to catch the exception and then call our exception handler.
import click
@click.group(cls=CatchAllExceptions(click.Group, handler=report_exception))
def cli():
"""A wonderful test program"""
def foo():
"""A fooey command"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
commands = (
'foo --unknown',
'foo still unknown',
'foo --help',
import sys, time
print('Click Version: {}'.format(click.__version__))
print('Python Version: {}'.format(sys.version))
for cmd in commands:
print('> ' + cmd)
except BaseException as exc:
if str(exc) != '0' and \
not isinstance(exc, (click.ClickException, SystemExit)):
Click Version: 6.7
Python Version: 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
> foo
> foo --unknown
Error: no such option: --unknown
:: Command line: test.py foo --unknown
:: Raised error: no such option: --unknown
> foo still unknown
:: Command line: test.py foo still unknown
:: Raised error: Got unexpected extra arguments (still unknown)
Usage: test.py foo [OPTIONS]
Error: Got unexpected extra arguments (still unknown)
Usage: test.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A wonderful test program
--help Show this message and exit.
foo A fooey command
> --help
Usage: test.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A wonderful test program
--help Show this message and exit.
foo A fooey command
> foo --help
Usage: test.py foo [OPTIONS]
A fooey command
--help Show this message and exit.