How does one run SQL queries with different column dimensions in parallel using dask? Below was my attempt:
from dask.delayed import delayed
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import dask
con = cx_Oracle.connect(user="BLAH",password="BLAH",dsn = "BLAH")
def loadsql(sql):
return pd.read_sql_query(sql,con)
results = [loadsql(x) for x in sql_to_run]
However this results in the following error being thrown:
DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql: "SQL QUERY" ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation unable to rollback
and then shortly thereafter another error comes up:
MultipleInstanceError: Multiple incompatible subclass instances of TerminalInteractiveShell are being created.
sql_to_run is a list of different sql queries
Any suggestions or pointers?? Thanks!
Update 9.7.18
Think this is more a case of me not reading documentation close enough. Indeed the con being outside the loadsql function was causing the problem. The below is the code change that seems to be working as intended now.
def loadsql(sql):
con = cx_Oracle.connect(user="BLAH",password="BLAH",dsn = "BLAH")
result = pd.read_sql_query(sql,con)
return result
values = [delayed(loadsql)(x) for x in sql_to_run]
#MultiProcessing version
import dask.multiprocessing
results = dask.compute(*values, scheduler='processes')
#My sample queries took 56.2 seconds
#MultiThreaded version
import dask.threaded
results = dask.compute(*values, scheduler='threads')
#My sample queries took 51.5 seconds
My guess is, that the oracle client is not thread-safe. You could try running with processes instead (by using the multiprocessing scheduler, or the distributed one), if the conn object serialises - this may be unlikely. More likely to work, would be to create the connection within loadsql
, so it gets remade for each call, and the different connections hopefully don't interfere with one-another.