I have made a simple PowerShell message box to display the names of missing files. I call them with a variable. When I echo the variable in ISE it displays each on a separate line, however when displayed in the message box it comes out as a string separated by spaces. I haven't had any luck replacing the spaces with `n but perhaps I did it wrong.
Any one have any ideas?
Current code:
$missing = Compare-Object $capture.BaseName $output.BaseName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
If($missing -ne $null){
Write-Host 'Here are the missing file(s):'
echo $missing
#send pop up alert
$ButtonType = [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK
$MessageboxTitle = “Please Process Files”
$Messageboxbody = “
The following are missing:
$MessageIcon = [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning
Output in ISE looks like:
Output in message box looks like:
File1 File2 File3
is a list of strings, so when you Echo
them the console takes care of formatting them on multiple lines.
Achieving the same in a MessageBox
requires that you join the strings using newline characters (ASCII 10).
$([String]::Join(([Convert]::ToChar(10)).ToString(), $missing)
This line uses the String.Join Method (System) to concatenate the file names into a single string, joined by newline characters. [Convert]::ToChar(10)
is essentially \n
but using that results in that literal string being used instead of the newline character. We're just converting the ASCII code 10 to a character (and then a string) and using it to join the file names.
Here's the updated script:
$missing = Compare-Object $capture.BaseName $output.BaseName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
If($missing -ne $null){
Write-Host 'Here are the missing file(s):'
Echo $missing
# Send pop up alert
$missingWithNewlines = $([String]::Join(([Convert]::ToChar(10)).ToString(), $missing))
$ButtonType = [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK
$MessageboxTitle = “Please Process Files”
$Messageboxbody = “
The following are missing:
$MessageIcon = [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning
# Nothing missing
Here is the result: