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Timeout in I/O function call in child thread

I have a Flask-RESTful API (Python 3) and I'm trying to timeout a function call that runs a terminal command which executes a C++ program which may take a long time to complete. This function looks something like this:

def func(args):
    result = subprocess.getoutput('./c_program')

I searched how to do this and I came across the following: Timeout on a function call I tried both of the suggested methods, but unfortunately neither work. Signal only works in the main thread (and I am in a threaded API), and multiprocessing doesn't stop I/O work. I kept looking but I only found mention of these two methods. Does anyone know any solution to this?


  • Better use Popen from the subprocess module. I also included the strategy from How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True to fix issues with killing the process:

    import os
    import signal
    import subprocess
    import time
    from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
    p = Popen("sleep 1; echo 1", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
    WAIT = 0.5
    started = time.time()
    # do some other work for WAIT seconds:
    while time.time() < started + WAIT:
        print("do something else")
            os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM
    except ProcessLookupError:
        # process possibly died already

    You can set WAIT to 1.5 to let the process complete, in this case you will see the output from echo.