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Qt: How to get the response from a GET?

I'm having trouble collecting the response from a web request i do. (Because i'm new to Qt).

Why do i have trouble?

I have a request class which send a request and receive a response. But i can't get the response to the parent of the request object, because i have to wait for a "finished" signal from the NetworkAccessMaanager which handles the response.

So i handle the response in a "finished" slot, but i can't return the info to the parent main window holding the request object. How can i do this?

Here's the code:

Main window.cpp:

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::on_buttonLogin_clicked()


  oNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);

 * Sends a request
QNetworkReply* Request::sendRequest(QString url)
    QUrl httpRequest(url);
    QNetworkRequest request;
    request.setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration()); // Set default ssl config
    request.setUrl(httpRequest); // Set the url
    QNetworkReply *reply = oNetworkAccessManager->get(QNetworkRequest(httpRequest));

    return reply;

 * Runs when the request is finished and has received a response
void Request::finishedSlot(QNetworkReply *reply)
       // Reading attributes of the reply
       // e.g. the HTTP status code
       QVariant statusCodeV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute);
       // Or the target URL if it was a redirect:
       QVariant redirectionTargetUrl =
       // see CS001432 on how to handle this

       // no error received?
       if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)
           // Reading the data from the response
           QByteArray bytes = reply->readAll();
           QString jsonString(bytes); // string

           bool ok;
           QVariantMap jsonResult = Json::parse(jsonString,ok).toMap();
               qFatal("An error occured during parsing");

           // Set the jsonResult

       // Some http error received
           // handle errors here

       // We receive ownership of the reply object
       // and therefore need to handle deletion.
       delete reply;

 * Set the json result so that other functions can get it
void Request::setJsonResult(QVariantMap jsonResult)
    m_jsonResult = jsonResult;

 * Get the json result
 * Return null if there is no result
QVariantMap Request::getJsonResult()
    return m_jsonResult;

Any ideas of how i can do this?

Thanks in advance!


  • Each QNetworkReply emits finished() signal, so you should connect signal from QNetworkReply* returned by request->sendRequest(""); to slot of MainWindow.


    void MainWindow::on_buttonLogin_clicked()
        QNetworkReply *reply = request->sendRequest("");
        connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(newslot()));
    void MainWindow::newslot()
        QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());
        // there you can handle reply as you wish