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Visual Studio 2017 not detecting visualizers in Documents directory

Visual Studio 2017 is not detecting the visualizer I added to the Documents directory (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Visualizers).

If I put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers it works.

How can I fix this? It works fine in the Documents directory on other machines.


It turns out it is actually looking in the OneDrive/Documents directory! How can I change this?


  • Re-installing Visual Studio fixed it. The following conditions were also met, not sure if they made a difference:

    • Made sure Documents / Pictures / etc were not set to AutoSave to OneDrive (via OneDrive settings)
    • Renamed OneDrive Documents directory before VS2017 install, then reverted.