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Build chatbot for education purporse

I try to build pretty simple chatbot which gonna be useful for kids as education tool.

As an example:

  • Bot: Where do you live?
  • Expected answer: I live in [Chicago].
  • Bot: Where is [Chicago]?
  • Expected answer: It's in Illinois.

And so on..

The main purpose on this bot is check does kid understand simple questions.

Firstly, I hard-coded list of expected answers.

But I thinks I can use for it tool like dialogflow?

Is it smart enough to use that powerful tool for this case?


  • This is a really broad question, but yes, Dialogflow's Natural Language Understanding engine is certainly powerful enough to be trained with some example answers and extrapolate some other similar ones. It is not perfect, but is better than trying to hard-code and match every possible answer.