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Could not get attachments content from Circuit by XMLHttpRequest

I have a list of attachments' urls and would like to download it in one click. I have loaded the urls as an array in javascript. Then I use XMLHttpRequest to get the file content. However, it seems like the header or authentication is not correct when sending to Circuitsandbox (and later to Circuit for productive), I always get error 401 or 404 even though that url can be downloaded on browser.

So my question is what header/authentication should I use for my request?

This is my example:

var auth = user + ':' + password; var hash = Base64.encode(auth); ... xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + hash );

Should I use my user (email) and password for Circuitsandbox here?

Thanks you very much for any hint.


  • The Circuit file api to download attachments does not support Basic Authentication. Since you are running this in the browser which already has a session, all you need is to set xhr.withCredentials to true. This will use the cookie of your current session. See

    I just created an example jsbin that downloads the attachments of a post. Just enter the itemId of the post. You can see the itemId when right-clicking the timestamp in a post on the Circuit webclient.

    .then(item => {
      console.log('Attachments:', item.attachments);
      item.attachments.forEach(file => {
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', file.url, true);
        xhr.withCredentials = true; 
        xhr.onload = function(e) {
          if (this.status == 200) {
            result.innerHTML += `<br>${file.fileName}:<br>${this.responseText}`;  