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Reduce duplication in NUnit tests for different implementations of interface

I have the following interface:

public interface IStack
    int Peek();
    void Push(int i);

And two implementations:

public class LinkedListStack : IStack
    public void Push(int x)

    public int Peek()

public class ArrayStack : IStack
    public void Push(int i)

    public int Peek()

For my unit tests - I currently have something like this, two files containing the same tests - the only difference being the implementation:


public class LinkedListStackTest
    public void PushToStack()
        IStack stack = new LinkedListStack();


        Assert.AreEqual(1, stack.Peek());


public class ArrayStackTest
    public void PushToStack()
        IStack stack = new ArrayStack();


        Assert.AreEqual(1, stack.Peek());

Given the tests for the implementations should be the same - is there a way I can write a single set of NUnit tests that will run against all my implementations of IStack?


  • You can use the TestCaseSourceAttribute:

    public void PushToStack(IStack stack)
        Assert.AreEqual(1, stack.Peek());

    Implementation of StackTestCases:

    internal class StackTestCases : IEnumerable
        public static IEnumerable TestCases
                yield return new TestCaseData(new LinkedListStack());
                yield return new TestCaseData(new ArrayStack());
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return TestCases.GetEnumerator();

    Please note that the test method will take an IStack as a parameter:

    public void PushToStack(IStack stack)

    ...And you can return the different implementations of IStack in TestCases property of StackTestCases:

    yield return new TestCaseData(new LinkedListStack());
    yield return new TestCaseData(new ArrayStack());