I have 3 columns:
1st row goes like this
installment interest exposure
0 0 1000
Installment is 0 for 1st row and a constant figure afterwards. Let it be 100.
Interest of ith row = 0.5% * exposure of (i-1) th row
Exposure of ith row = exposure of (i-1)th row - (installment of ith row - interest of ith row)
installment interest exposure
0 0 1000
100 0.005*1000 1000-(100-5)
current interest depends of previous exposure and current exposure depends on current interest.This should go on till exposure is 0. I have done this using a for loop in R. But my data is large and I don't want a for loop. So I need something like an apply or even faster method if possible
is there any other way to do this without a loop. I'm looking for a speedy process.
Looks like loan amortization, you can try to create a formula before coding it.
< Unfortunately, I am not quite sure how to render LaTeX in SO's Markdown here. Sorry for the presentation. >
Let L be starting loan amount, I be installment payment and r be the interest rate.
At period, n=0, outstanding loan amount is L.
At period, n=1, outstanding loan amount is (1+r)*L - I.
At period, n=2, outstanding loan amount is (1+r)^2 * L - (1+r) * I - I.
At period, n=3, outstanding loan amount is (1+r)^3 * L - (1+r)^2 * I - (1+r) * I - I.
At period, n, outstanding loan amount is (1+r)^n * L - I * sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (1+r)^k.
After which, it is a matter of coding this:
amor <- function(L, r, I, nvec) {
function(n) {
if (n < 1L) stop("n must be > 0.")
L * (1+r)^n - I * sum((1+r)^(seq_len(n) -1L))
amor(1000, r, 100, seq_len(12))
[1] 905.00000 809.52500 713.57262 617.14049 520.22619 422.82732 324.94146 226.56617 127.69900 28.33749 -71.52082 -171.87843
The next problem to tackle is "This should go on till exposure is 0". You can approximate the total number of periods using n * I > L * (1+r)^n
maxN <- round(uniroot(function(n) I*n - (1+r)^n*L, c(1, 1000))$root)
Then use replace
to set those negative numbers to 0.
Hopefully this helps.