I'm trying to revoke some SSL certificates for private routes from the developer console. Some of them were successfully revoked, but some others cannot be revoked:
Revoking certificate for mydomain.com failed.
A running revoke process in init status exists for the domain 'mydomain.com'.
I waited for while and tried again, but I still can't revoke the certificates. I've been trying this since yesterday, waiting about 8h since the last time I tried.
How can I revoke these certificates ?
I saw on Swisscom Extensions API documentation that there's a request to do manually revoke a SSL certificate (https://api.lyra-836.appcloud.swisscom.com/api-doc/#!/Certification_Processes/put_custom_certifications_revoke), but how am I supposed to log in to get a token ?
Due to various reasons the certification revoke process can fail and in some cases an automatic resolution is not possible. Please contact Swisscom's Developer Support and give them the ORG, SPACE and domain affected.
To interact with the API directly follow these instructions to login and then use i.e. cf curl -X GET /custom/accounts
to execute requests against the Cloud Controller.