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How to create a random string everytime a test runs in karate dsl

The json request I am sending is:

Given url applicationURL

And path 'applications'

And header Authorization = subscribeToken

And request:

      "throttlingTier": "Unlimited",
      "description": "sample app description",
      "name": "TestbyKarate",
      "callbackUrl": "https:/"

When method post

Then status 201

* def applicationId = response.applicationId

* print 'applicationId is ', applicationId

I am sending the name in my request as TestbyKarate but I want to send a unique value every time my test runs.

Is there any way to do it?


  • Can you please read the docs once. It will really benefit you.

    So in the Background or common feature, you have:

    * def now = function(){ return java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() }

    Then you can do this:

    * def name = 'Test-' + now()
    * request { name: '#(name)' }