I am working on a Python program that will make infinite text files on a flash drive. This program will be the only thing operating on that flash drive, and I want to check if there is sufficient storage space each time it writes.
If there is, I want to write the file to the drive. If there isn't enough space, I want to do something else with the contents. For example:
def write_file(contents):
if "Check if there is sufficient storage space on E:\ drive.":
with open("filename", "w") as file:
# Alternative method for dealing with content.
I need to have a good way to find how much space a file.write()
operation will take and compare that with the free space on the drive.
Thank you!
This is platform dependent; here is the solution for Windows:
import ctypes
import platform
def get_free_space(dirname):
free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(dirname), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes))
return free_bytes.value / 1024
if __name__ == "__main__":
free_space = get_free_space("path\\")
If you are on Linux I'm not sure but I found this:
from os import statvfs
st = statvfs("path/")
free_space = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize / 1024
Your function should look like so:
def write_file(contents):
if free_space >= len(contents.encode("utf-8")):
# Write to file.
file = open("filename", "w")
# Alternative method for dealing with content.