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fatfree DB connection pool

I wonder if f3 has the concept of DB connection pool. When I check the sample code of CMS, it seems the DB connection is created in the controller's construct.

function __construct() {
    // Connect to the database
    $db=new DB\SQL($f3->get('db'));

So each time there is a request to any controller, there is a new DB connection created. If the server is under huge load, this may cause DB to be saturated.

Does f3 (or any plug-in) supports DB connection pool so that we can limit the # of DB connections? Requests are put into a queue when the number of DB connection exceeds the pool size.


  • It is not mandatory to create the DB connection in the controller as this is only a simple example. I would advise against it and would propose to use at least service location or - even better - dependency injection.

    F3 has no pool management. If I am not wrong there is no pool management in PHP. It could be possible that there is a PECL module which adds this feature. Requests are usually (PHP-FPM, FCGI, mod_php) answered by clean PHP environments (except some details like apcu, obcache or sessions).

    Further information

    • It should be possible to use persistent connections by setting PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT, but there are some unpleasant drawbacks. Details are available in this SO question: What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO

    • You could implicitly limit the number of connections by limiting the number of concurrently working PHP workers.