Need help.
I am trying to run the following command on a batch file to determine if machine is Intel or AMD...
for /F "skip=1 tokens=1" %%i in ('wmic cpu get name') do set chip=%%i
if "%chip%" == "Intel(R)" goto Intel else goto AMD
:Intel echo this is an Intel machine
:AMD echo this is an AMD machine
but I am running to an issue. The output show as follows:
for /F "skip=1 tokens=1" %i in ('wmic cpu get name') do set chip=%i
set chip=Intel(R)
set chip=
Its showing a second chip "set" basically clearing the first result.
What do I need to input in order to have the loop stop after the first response?
After the first line is set, exit the loop with a GOTO.
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1" %%i IN ('wmic cpu get name') DO (
SET "chip=%%i"
GOTO AfterTest
IF "%chip%" == "Intel(R)" (GOTO Intel) ELSE (GOTO AMD)
echo this is an Intel machine
ECHO This is Intel.
GOTO AfterAll
echo this is an AMD machine
ECHO This is not Intel.
GOTO AfterAll
Another way to get the processor name.
FOR /F "delims=" %%p IN ('powershell -NoProfile -Command ^(Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor^).Name.Split^(' '^)[0]') DO (
SET "chip=%%p"
ECHO %chip%