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What is the proper way to prove the following question on asymptotic notation?

I have to prove that f(n)= 5n+2=O(n^2) and I know that it is true for O(n) so obviously, it will be true for a higher degree of n but how to prove this?


  • OK. Here is a simple way of proving this. I'm including it here in the hope that it could be useful for others with similar problems

    5n + 2 <= 5n + 2n         ; n >= 1
            = 7n              ; always
           <= n*n             ; n >= 7
            = n^2             ; always

    Therefore, there exists a constant c, in this case c=1, and an integer N, in this case N=7, such that

    5n + 2 <= c*n^2         for all n >= N

    Then, by definition

    5n + 2 = O(n^2).

    Note also that the first two lines

    5n + 2 <= 5n + 2n         ; n >= 1
            = 7n              ; always

    are enough to show that 5n + 2 = O(n). In this case, c=7 and N=1.