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GTK3 - How to send a window to the background

I am trying to send a window to the background, but SetKeepBelow has no effect on windows. Is there any way to achieve this? I am using golang and gotk3, but I can add additional bindings if needed.

Another option would probably be using this:

But I am not sure how exactly, as I can't retrieve the window handle from within gtk.


  • So, I have found a solution and like mentioned in the comments of the questions, it is hacky! However, I didn't want to leave this unsolved. So what I am doing is using the SetWindowPos function of windows in order to move it on the z axis. However, in order to be able to do so, you first need the pointer to the hWnd, I am retrieving that with FindWindowA which takes a classname and a windowtitle, sicne I don't know the class, I am passing nil. Passing nil causes the function to only search by windowtitle. Ofc this solution only works if your window has a unique title!

    package main
    import (
    var (
        mod                  = windows.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")
        setWindowPosFunction = mod.NewProc("SetWindowPos")
        findWindowFunction   = mod.NewProc("FindWindowA")
    //ToBackground moves the window to the background, preserving its size and position
    func ToBackground(hwnd uintptr, gtkWindow *gtk.Window) error {
        x, y := gtkWindow.GetPosition()
        width, height := gtkWindow.GetSize()
        _, _, err := setWindowPosFunction.Call(hwnd, uintptr(1), uintptr(x), uintptr(y), uintptr(width), uintptr(height), 0)
        if err != nil && err.Error() == "The operation completed successfully." {
            return nil
        return err
    func main() {
        window, _ := gtk.WindowNew(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
        title := "unique-identifier"
        titleAsByteArray := []byte(title)
        hwnd, _, windowRetrieveError := findWindowFunction.Call(0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&titleAsByteArray[0])))
        if windowRetrieveError != nil &&  windowRetrieveError.Error() != "The operation completed successfully." {
        toBackgroundError := ToBackground(hwnd, window)
        if toBackgroundError != nil {