is a cell containing date
in the first column and time
in the second column. Whenever there is an object detected under a time stamp, the identity of the object along with the error is added to the next row. (This data is from video recordings of toy cars).
What i want to do is to add increasing index number corresponding to each time stamp. In the sample code shown, i am adding the index to the first column. I wrote a sample code to perform this. When i perform this, the increasing index is also added for detections under a single time stamp.
Eg: If you look at row 5
there are two detections and the identities are added to the rows 6 and 7. These both are detected at same time. But there frame number is not the same. It should be the same as of the time stamp, ie 5
. Any help to solve this will be appreciated.
data_2 = {'2018-03-11','15:28:30';'2018-03-11','15:28:32';'2018-03-11','15:28:34';'2018-03-11','15:28:36';'2018-03-11','15:28:38';'27','0';'29','1';'2018-03-11','15:28:40';'2018-03-11','15:28:42';'2018-03-11','15:28:44';'89','2'};
frame_num_2 = strsplit(num2str(1:size(contains(data_2(:,1),'-'))))';
data_2 = [frame_num_2 data_2];
If I'm understanding your problem correctly, you want the frame number to increase by one only when there is a new date or time, and not when you have an object detected. To address this, you need to detect when a row is a date or time. Looking at your data, what is distinct about the date column is the presence of '-', and what is distinct about the time column is the presence of ':'. You can use either or both of these, I chose to use only the date column.
data_date = data_2(:,1);
data_time = data_2(:,2);
%data that doesn't have a new frame contains a '-' symbol.
newFrame = contains(data_date, '-');
frame_num = cumsum(newFrame); %only increase when there is a new frame
Data = [num2cell(frame_num) data_2] %save in a new variable name
which results in Data =
{[1]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:30'}
{[2]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:32'}
{[3]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:34'}
{[4]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:36'}
{[5]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:38'}
{[5]} {'27' } {'0' }
{[5]} {'29' } {'1' }
{[6]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:40'}
{[7]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:42'}
{[8]} {'2018-03-11'} {'15:28:44'}
{[8]} {'89' } {'2' }