I would like to compare multiple columns from 2 files and NOT print lines matching my criteria. An example of this would be:
apple green 4
orange red 5
apple yellow 6
apple yellow 8
grape green 5
apple yellow 7
grape green 10
apple green 4
orange red 5
apple yellow 8
I want to remove lines where $1
and $2
from file1
correspond to $1
and $2
from file2
AND when $3
from file1
is smaller than $3
from file2
I can now only do the first part of the job, that is remove lines where $1
and $2
from file1
correspond to $1
and $2
from file2
(fields are separated by tabs):
awk -F '\t' 'FNR == NR {a[$1FS$2]=$1; next} !($1FS$2 in a)' file2 file1
Could you help me apply the last condition?
Many thanks in advance!
What you are after is this:
awk '(NR==FNR){a[$1,$2]=$3; next}!(($1,$2) in a) && a[$1,$2] < $3))' <file2> <file1>