When I run the code below on a Linux system, as expected it outputs Nothing is ready
about every two seconds, and also outputs anything entered on to console.
But on Windows, can_read
returns instantly with zero items.
use IO::Select;
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
while ( 1 ) {
my @ready = $sel->can_read(2);
if ( scalar @ready == 0 ) {
print "Nothing is ready\n";
foreach my $fh ( @ready ) {
if ( $fh eq \*STDIN ) {
my $in = <STDIN>;
print "got $in from stdin\n";
It seems that select
works only on Windows sockets and not on STDIN. How can I use IO::Select
on STDIN on a Windows system?
You cannot, perldoc perlport
select Only implemented on sockets. (Win32, VMS)
This is caused by Windows itself implementing select()
only for sockets, see https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/desktop/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-select.
The Windows equivalent seems to be I/O Completion Ports. But you have to find a way to use them from Perl.
If you really just care about STDIN, you can poll in a loop with Term::ReadKey
with a ReadMode
of -1 (non-blocking). As the name of the module suggests, this may only work on a tty.
If you start the Perl process yourself, you can use a socketpair()
emulation (but one that uses the Windows function WSASocket()
) and use that as the process's standard input. I have described that in great detail at http://www.guido-flohr.net/platform-independent-asynchronous-child-process-ipc/.