I have a simple problem. When I'm using async pipe in template IDE don't know what type has the object from the async pipe.
Here is a short example:
<ng-container *ngIf="(state$ | async).foo as foo">
Actually foo is of type Foo: {id:string, name:string, value: number}
The problem is, when I want to use foo
in template IDE don't know that foo has id, or name, or value.
Is there any clean solution to "cast" foo
to Foo
as foo
statement is create a template variable not for casting ,if you use like this
<ng-container *ngIf="(state$ | async).foo.id">
you will get type intellisense but when you create a template variable this information seem to be lost.
this consider a bug and may be solve in future.
<ng-container *ngIf="($state | async) as foo">
{{foo | json}}
{{foo.id}} <!-- foo has no type information-->
{{value.name}} <!-- declared property has type information-->