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Promise all, getting redundant result

I've a Promise array. While passing it to Promise.all, it returns unusual response. Okay this is the minimal example of what I'm trying to achieve.

const promiseChain = [1, 2, 3].map(number => new Promise(resolve, reject) => {
  // Calling an function with callback.
  getMyObj(number, (err, myObj) => {
     if (err) reject(err);
     else {
       // Comment 1
       // Here I'm able to log the desired result both number & myObj.
       resolve({ number, myObj });

Promise.all(promiseChain).then((results) => {
  results.forEach(result => {
     // Comment 2
     // Here number is correct for all objects. 
     // But, myObj is same for all the numbers.

Check the comments. What I'm able to log in place of comments are as follows,

Comment 1:

{ number: 1, myObj: {a: 1}}
{ number: 2, myObj: {b: 2}}
{ number: 3, myObj: {c: 3}}

Comment 2:

{ number: 1, myObj: {c: 3}}
{ number: 2, myObj: {c: 3}}
{ number: 3, myObj: {c: 3}}

Here, What am I doing wrong and how I can fix this?


  • @mpm, first of all thanks much for your effort.

    @HMR, dude thanks for the hint. Without it I'd have wasted several hours.

    What I had to do to fix the issue was deep clone. I used lodash cloneDeep function to fix the issue. So, right below comment 1 doing the following fixed the issue.

    resolve({ number, myObj: _.cloneDeep(myObj) });