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I want to use the invoke-restmethod in a foreach loop to upload a multiplefiles through Infile parameter

Each time the loop executes the file is being replaced in the place of the first file . I want to upload it as a new file without distrubing the existing ones..

foreach ($blob in $blobs)
    $file=Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $container_name -Blob $blob.Name -Context $ctx -Destination $localFile -Force
    $contents = Get-Content $localFile -Raw -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    Add-Content $f $contents
    $Header = @{
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $Header  -Method put -InFile $f 



  • I think you over-did it with the New-TemporaryFile commands in your code. Why use Get-AzureStorageBlobContent to store blob content in a file and then create another temp file to copy the contents to?

    This would be much simpler:

    foreach ($blob in $blobs) {  
        $localFile = New-TemporaryFile
        Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $container_name -Blob $blob.Name -Context $ctx -Destination $localFile.FullName -Force
        $Header = @{
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $Header  -Method put -InFile $localFile.FullName


    The New-TemporaryFile command returns a System.IO.FileInfo object which you cannot use directly as the InFile parameter. Instead, it expects a full path and file name, so we use $localFile.FullName