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Suppress/Filter a row

I am fairly new to using PeopleSoft BI Publisher plugin for MS Word and integrating it with PS Query Manager. My question is whether in the RTF file you can put logic to suppress or filter out data?

I have a for-each grouping that prints a line (row). I would like to add logic to NOT print the line if the Witholding amount field (M.WTHD_AMT) is equal to 0 (zero). My question is what would the syntax look like, and where should I place it (on the For Each grouping below, the Field level, or somewhere else?) I know I can alter the PS Query (data source) to do the filtering but I would like to leave that as-is and handle this in the template.

I see that there is another conditional IF statement ("rmt_") so I'm not sure if I can add this additional logic to that element or if I need a separate one. I appreciate any feedback!

enter image description here


I've added a new "Conditional Region" as suggested, and it works with just the WTHD_AMT criteria !0 to zero, however I tried added additional criteria where L.PYMNT_TYPE = 'R' and when I run the process it doesn't display data on the PDF output. Is there something wrong with the syntax? Do I need to have a separate Conditional Region for this 2nd criteria? I've seen another BI report where they have 2 or 3 criteria as part of one element.

<?if:number(M.WTHD_AMT)!=0.00?> and <?if:L.PYMNT_TYPE='R'?>

enter image description here


  • 'Conditional Region' is the button you are looking for.

    When using this button, make sure to double check where the if/endif or C/EC elements are added. It tends to ignore the selected element and join the elements to the start and end of the line. You will then need to cut and paste it into the right spot. For you this will probably be right after the F element and before the E element.