Running on linux-wmxt 4.16.8-1-default (Tumbleweed).
I have a library that calls the openssl 1.0 API. I can either dynamically link or statically link. Either produces the same result.
If I run this from a C test harness, it works fine.
The same calls using node via the node-gyp extension produces memory faults which I believe are due to the calls being routed to the node version of the API calls which, I believe, uses openssl 1.1 (not ABI compatible with 1.0).
#17 0x12838e1 in ASN1_item_d2i_bio (/home/me/.nvm/versions/node/v10.1.0/bin/node+0x12838e1)
#18 0x7f808108687e in _extractp7certs /home/me/Projects/git/test.sdk.c/c/test/src/testcrypto.c:678
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow
Exactly the same code base (statically linked) on MacOS High Sierra works fine with node 9.9.
Before diving into this any further: a simple question. Is there a way to make node-gyp ensure that my code calls my version of OpenSSL rather than Nodes? Or will I have to update my code to openssl 1.1?
I did try various changes to binding.gyp, such as
"targets": [
"target_name": "myid",
"include_dirs": [ "../dep/include" ],
"sources": [ "./src/myid.c" ],
"libraries": [
These 1.0 libraries were build with:
openssl: ./config --prefix=$HOME/local --openssldir=$HOME/local/openssl
libcurl: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --with-ssl=$HOME/local --disable-ldap
libxmlsec1: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --without-libxslt --with-openssl=$HOME/local
Same result. So I bit the bullet and upgraded my code to be compatible with OpenSSL 1.1+.
Now the node binding works.