This is probably a really simple matter, but I can't quite figure out how to put the pieces together. This question and this question as well as this page in the API documentation all somewhat hint at the answer, but I haven't been able to work out what I need from them.
So right now I'm trying to implement a naïve little program to open an image, get the pixels out into an array, process them a bit and then save the updated pixels back as a new image. In this particular case, I'm wanting to take the average on the 3x3 window around each pixel as a simple blur. The specific operation isn't too important (there definitely are more efficient ways, I'm specifically trying to write a naïve version right now for later comparison against other versions), but I haven't been able to work out how to make this happen. Right now what I have is:
let accessClampedArrayWithDefault (arr: uint32[][]) width height def x y : uint32[] =
if x < 0 || x > width-1 || y < 0 || y > height-1 then
arr.[x + width * y]
let extractPixelParts (p: Rgba32) =
let R = uint32 p.R
let G = uint32 p.G
let B = uint32 p.B
let A = uint32 p.A
[|R; G; B; A|]
let main argv =
use img = Image.Load(@"D:\Users\sampleimage.jpg")
let mutable out_img = img.Clone()
let pxs = img.GetPixelSpan().ToArray() |> extractPixelParts
let mutable (nps: uint32[][]) = Array.zeroCreate pxs.Length
let ac = accessClampedArrayWithDefault pxs img.Width img.Height [|0u;0u;0u;0u|]
for x in 0..img.Width-1 do
for y in 0..img.Height-1 do
let p = ac x y
for z in -1..1 do
for w in -1..1 do
let q = ac (x + z) (y + w)
nps.[x + y * img.Width] <- p q |> (fun (a,b) -> a + b)
nps.[x + y * img.Width] <- (fun i -> float i / 9.0 |> uint32 ) nps.[x + y * img.Width]
let rpx = Array.collect (fun a -> byte a) nps
let out_img = Image.Load<Rgba32>(img.GetConfiguration(), rpx, Formats.Jpeg.JpegDecoder())
printfn "out_img's width is %d and height is %d" out_img.Width out_img.Height
but it is failing with an exception on the let out_img =
line. If I don't include the JpegDecoder part then I get an error message about a missing decoder, but if I do include it then I get an error message about a missing SOI.
So, my question is, how can I pull out pixels and work with them/each channel in a larger variable size than 8 bits (e.g. 32 bits) so that I can perform intermediate operations that cannot be represented in 8 bits per channel, before converting the final result back to bytes, and then reconstituting that back to something that can be saved to disk as an image?
I have quite possibly forgotten to mention something important, so please do feel free to ask for clarifications :) Thanks.
I'm not familiar with F#, but looks like there are several issues:
The line Image.Load<Rgba32>(img.GetConfiguration(), rpx, Formats.Jpeg.JpegDecoder())
will try to decode a Jpeg-encoded in-memory stream (provided as byte[]
Regarding your question:
so that I can perform intermediate operations that cannot be represented in 8 bits per channel
Why don't you just work on the Rgba32[]
There is no need for the extractPixelParts ...
stuff. Storing all your pixels in a jagged array (uint32[][]
) will lead to a very slow code execution because of the unnecessary heap allocations.
Sorry, I misunderstood this point. If you need higher precison for intermediate operations, I suggest to use Vector4
! you can use pixel.ToVector4()
and pixel.PackFromVector4(...)
(!!!) array by let pxs = img.GetPixelSpan().ToArray()
arr[y * Width + x] = CreateMyNewRgbaPixelValueAtXY(....)
where CreateMyNewRgbaPixelValueAtXY(...)
should return an Rgba32
. The LoadPixelData
method will create a new image by copying your pxs: Rgba32[]
data into it.In order to perform intermediate operation in an efficient way, I suggest the following:
for your intermediate array filled by invoking pixel.ToVector4()
for each input pixeloutputPixelData:Vector4[]
and fill it by processing inputPixelData
back into an pixels:Rgba32[]
array using .PackFromVector4(outputPixelData[y * Width + x])
(Don't know what's the best way for this in F#)Image.LoadPixelData(pixels)
There is probably a better way, but I'm unfamiliar with F#.