Has any one of you successfully integrate Moengage in ReactJs ? I have try it by put this inside <head>
tag on index.html of HTMLWebpackPlugin's template.
<script type="text/javascript">
i['moengage_object']=r;t={}; q = function(f){return function(){(i['moengage_q']=i['moengage_q']||[]).push({f:f,a:arguments});};};
f = ['track_event','add_user_attribute','add_first_name','add_last_name','add_email','add_mobile',
for(k in f){t[f[k]]=q(f[k]);}
i['moe']=i['moe'] || function(){n=arguments[0];return t;}; a.onload=function(){if(n){i[r] = moe(n);}};
I put the moengage's config in a file called 'moengage.js'. So i can easily import & use it in another files.
export const Moengage = moe({
app_id:"APP ID",
debug_logs: 0
Then, i use it in another file
import { Moengage } from '../config/moengage.js'
Moengage.track_event('Loan_Data', {
'loan_name': 'Example name',
'loan_type_id': 123,
Unfortunately, mine doesn't work. Did you ever try moengage on ReactJs ? Any help would be great. Thank you
The variable moe
is available in the window and thus putting it in a config file will not work. The initialization script has to be placed in the <head>
You can access the moe
variable through the window
wherever required. In your config file you can try something like this:
export const Moengage = window.moe({
app_id:"APP ID",
debug_logs: 0
PS. I develop the Web SDK at MoEngage. Please feel free to reach out to us at support@moengage.com for any further queries.