When the user adds a ;
, I want to add ; + Environment.NewLine
in the TextBox.
I find this solution :
private void TextBox_OnPreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (e.Text == ";")
e.Handled = true;
new TextComposition(InputManager.Current,
";" + Environment.NewLine)
But after this, the undo don't work.
Can you explain me how control the user input and keep the undo stack?
Use this Instead and 100% it's work. I test it for assurance.
private void TextBox_OnPreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (e.Text == ";")
// In this line remove preview event to preventing event repeating
((TextBox)sender).PreviewTextInput -= TextBox_OnPreviewTextInput;
// Whith this code get the current index of you Caret(wher you inputed your semicolon)
int index = ((TextBox)sender).CaretIndex;
// Now do The Job in the new way( As you asked)
((TextBox)sender).Text = ((TextBox)sender).Text.Insert(index, ";\r\n");
// Give the Textbox preview Event again
((TextBox)sender).PreviewTextInput += TextBox_OnPreviewTextInput;
// Put the focus on the current index of TextBox after semicolon and newline (Updated Code & I think more optimized code)
((TextBox)sender).Select(index + 3, 0);
// Now enjoy your app
e.Handled = true;
Wish you bests , Heydar