I'm attempting to write a script that goes to a Filezilla server every once in a while to retrieve files. I have administration rights over the Filezilla server and configuration, but not over the rest of the system or network, but requests can be made.
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
ftps = FTP_TLS(host)
#-r--r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 5636096 Aug 07 00:50 master.mdf
#-r--r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 2097152 Aug 07 00:50 mastlog.ldf
filename = "master.mdf"
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
ftps.retrbinary('RETR {}'.format(filename), f.write)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/fcontreras/scripts/ftps/ftps.py", line 29, in get
ftps.retrbinary('RETR {}'.format(filename), f.write)
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ftplib.py", line 442, in retrbinary
with self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as conn:
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ftplib.py", line 399, in transfercmd
return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ftplib.py", line 801, in ntransfercmd
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ssl.py", line 407, in wrap_socket
_context=self, _session=session)
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ssl.py", line 814, in __init__
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ssl.py", line 1068, in do_handshake
File "/home/fcontreras/miniconda3/envs/ftp/lib/python3.6/ssl.py", line 689, in do_handshake
ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:841)
So the main point is to fix the error, but i'm having a hard time finding out what (_ssl.c:841) means, I'm not sure where to start looking.
Found the issue, the SSLEOFError is misleading, the error is cause because the databases aren't readable.
I didn't check this to begin with because the permissions showed as:
#-r--r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 5636096 Aug 07 00:50 master.mdf
#-r--r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 2097152 Aug 07 00:50 mastlog.ldf
They seem to be permanently are open by the database engine that made them, and windows won't allow the user or the FTP server to read the file to transfer.
Hopefully this will help reduce google time for someone.